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How to upload files on Plesk?
How to Upload a File Using the Plesk Panel File Manager?
You can upload files to your HostingHome account using an FTP program, but if you prefer a web-based alternative, there is a File Manager built into the Plesk panel.
To access the File Manager, log into Plesk panel, In the “Dashboard” section, click the “Files” link or icon.

When you log in to the File Manager, you will be in the root directory for your account. Most of the time you’ll be working with website files, and they are located in the “httpdocs” directory.

If you are replacing an existing file, click on “Replace” (if you don’t check the box you will get a pop-up asking if you want to overwrite the existing file). You can upload files up to 100 MB in size using File Manager. For larger files, use FTP.