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How to create FTP Account in Plesk Panel?
Adding FTP Accounts – Plesk
To create an additional FTP account:
- First log into your
Plesk account.
- Click on
Websites & Domains.

- Click on

- Click on
Add an FTP Account

- Fill out all the
necessary information

FTP Account name: Provide the username for the FTP account. This username will be used to access the FTP server
Home Directory: Specify the directory path that the FTP account will be able to access. This determines the location of files the account can work with.
FTP Password: Set a strong password for the FTP account to secure it.
Permissions: You can set the permissions for the account:
Read Permission: Grants the ability to download files.
Write Permission: Grants the ability to upload files.
Read and Write Permission: Allows both downloading and uploading of files if both checkboxes are selected.
- After completing all the fields, simply click the
button to finalize the setup
Password Change Guidelines:
- Ensure your password is a minimum of 12 characters and includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
- For added security, opt for a combination of 8 or more characters.
- Please note that your mailbox password should not contain spaces or special characters such as , &, +, or ‘.
- Allowed characters include: [a-zA-Z0-9#!@$%^*()_=”?.,/;:<>`{|}~-[]].