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How to change Email Password in cPanel?
How to reset your email password through the cPanel
Password Change Guidelines:
- Ensure your password is a minimum of 12 characters and includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
- For added security, opt for a combination of 8 or more characters.
- Please note that your mailbox password should not contain spaces or special characters such as , &, +, or ‘.
- Allowed characters include: [a-zA-Z0-9#!@$%^*()_=”?.,/;:<>`{|}~-[]].
1. Log in to your cPanel account.
2. Click on Email Accounts under the Email section
3. Locate the account you want to update the password for and Click on the “Manage” button positioned to the right of the account listing
4. In the “Security” section, locate the field labeled “New Password” and enter your desired new password.
Alternatively, you can use the “Generate” button to create a random password.
5. After entering the new password, scroll down to the bottom of the “Manage” page. Then, click on the button labeled “Update Email Settings” to apply the changes and save the new password.